Studying power systems requires tools for design, analysis, modeling & simulation of these systems, including software tools, real-time digital simulators, and electric workbenches/beds for tests and experiments.
Mohamed Abuella’s Background and Skills with Tools for Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis
I have studied power systems and taught them extensively since 2006. I have taken about 25 related courses. Some courses are repeated several times, other courses are related to numerical analysis, linear algebra and optimization topics, which have a key role in understanding the power systems.
- Matlab scripts on a floppy disk in 2006: Calculation and solving exercises in PSA textbook by Hadi Saadat (Ybus matrix, Newton Raphson, Gauss Seidel, fast decoupling, symmetrical components I0,1,2, Zbus, etc., utilizing user-defined functions).
- PowerWorld (simulation software) in Power courses for OPF and faults calculations, in PSA textbook by Glover and Sarma.
- NEPLAN and Matlab: For B. Tech. Graduation Project of OPF and short-circuit/faults calculations in levels of Transmission & Distribution.
- Matlab Simulink: Design power systems, operation and control (design and test power electronics, batteries, PV, wind turbines, compensation and power factor, etc.).
- In Power systems analysis, using GUI to build a tool for power flow and short-circuit calculation with IEEE 11, 14, 30Bus test systems. Including map visualization.
- Power flow and stability analysis Power Systems Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) open-source and user-friendly tool for power systems analysis and dynamic studies (steady-state/transient analysis). Developer: Federico Milano, from the University of Castilla in Spain, now at University College Dublin (UCD).
- In MS thesis for wind ops, MATPOWER operates directly on the bus-branch model of the grid. MATPOWER is an open-source package for power system simulation and optimization developed by Ray Zimmerman at Cornell University.
PhD and Lecturer at CIT
- ETAP lab for distribution systems: Design feeders, maintain voltage profile, compensation, calculation forward/backward Sweep based power flow, and short-circuit/fault currents at multiple locations.
- SPICE (open-source) and PSCAD simulation software tools used for power electronic circuit design and power quality.
- In teaching energy systems modeling & analysis (especially for renewables and storage systems) involving tools built by Python (Jupyter notebook for code, text & graphs), such as PyPSA, Pandapower, Calliope, Pyomo (for optimal allocation of resources). Calliope: a multi-scale energy systems modeling framework based on Python.
- Also get interested in interactive teaching including animation using widgets and design dashboards with sliding switches in Jupyter notebooks, Tangle, JavaScript. (Inventing on Principle by Bret Victor, a developer and designer from Apple).
Postdoc with Center of Applied Intelligent Systems Research at Halmstad University
- Applying artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, especially explainable AI (XAI), to model and analyze energy systems for improving the energy efficiency in short-sea shipping.